A nifty boilerplate for Jekyll made magnificent with the help of Bulma.



Contact Form

jekyll 3.8.6

bulma 0.8

jQuery 3.2.1


Dependency Management

Asset pipeline

JS uglifier

HTML compression



Your development environment should have ruby and the gem package manager setup already.

  1. Install bundler gem install bundler
  2. Install yarn

Getting Started

$ bundle install
$ yarn install
$ bundle exec jekyll serve

Deploy to Github Pages from Travis

  1. Point Travis to repository
  2. Configure Travis
  3. Generate a Personal Access Token from Github
    • The only scope needed is repo:public_repo
  4. Set GITHUB_API=<token> on Travis
    • Make sure Display value in build log toggle is set to Off!

Deploy to Netlify

Deploy to Netlify

Wait, what happens when I click that button?

Good question. Here’s what it will do…

  1. Netlify will clone the git repository of this project into your Github account. This action will require your permission from Github, and of course a Netlify account.
  2. Netlify will then create a new site for you, and configure it to use your shiny new repo. Right away you’ll be able to deploy changes simply by pushing changes to your repo.
  3. Enjoy your new website 🎉